Hey - must be some sort of record - getting in 2 posts in a day - that's what happens when you wake up at 3 am and can't go back to sleep :-)
So after all those weeks of training, it's been taper time for the past couple of weeks. Got the 22 miler in at Dish with Chakri and gang and a 13 miler on April 12th at Rancho followed by a 6 miler this past weekend at Shoreline (just before the first Team ASHA 2008 session). I am glad to report that I have signed up for Team ASHA 2008 and plan to run a marathon in October (still deciding between Portland and Chicago - sorry Silicon Valley Marathon - no hard feelings :-)).
Hope to get a few short runs in and also as much rest as possible. That's the challenge with taper - while we want to stay rested and overcome niggles and aches/pains, one does not want to rest too much (and then be hit with the 26.2 on race day). Have also been trying to load up on carbs - again a fine balance between Carbo-loading and Overloading :-) Have to constantly remind myself that every pound gained will mean another pound that needs to be dragged across the finish line on Sunday :-)
Anyways, there are over 20 runners from the Team ASHA gang running various distances at Big Sur on April 27th. We plan to drive over there on Saturday afternoon to get to the expo and pick up our bibs etc. We will be staying at Monterey and have to take the shuttle (at 3:45 am no less!!) on Sunday morning to the start at Big Sur.
I think I have trained as best I can within the constraints (2 kids, work etc. - am glad to report that the wife has not left me or kicked me out :-) - am really lucky to have such an understanding spouse (or maybe she is giving me enough rope to hang myself :-)
No major goals at Big Sur - I mean, it's not a course to go for a PR. Given that this is my first Big Sur, and listening to veterans (and tons of reading on the net), the plan is to be conservative over the first half and have something left for the tough rolling hills at the end!
Wish us all luck - I am sure we all need it - will post a race report next week!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Run like the Wind! Run Forrest Run :-)
Well, first off, it's amazing how having 2 kids (with one being an infant) puts a big dent into your aspirations of being a rock-star blogger :-) With everything else that's going on, I guess I had to choose between allocating time to running versus just blogging about it :-)
Anyhoo, I am happy to report that I have been keeping up as best I can with the Big Sur training schedule (laid out by uber-mentor and motivator Chakri). Given that I live right next to Rancho San Antonio Park (and the double-bonus of it having a lot of hilly terrain), I have been running pretty much exclusively there for the past couple of months (weekdays, long runs etc.). Thanks to Coaches Martina and Raman, I now have an intimate knowledge of Black Mountain, Upper Wildcat, and several other trails at Rancho (including a totally undiscovered one which was the result of Coach Martina wanting to help us get a few more miles in while waiting for some runners to catch up).
So, given that Big Sur marathon is run on asphalt, I figured I needed to get some runs in on that turf. I decided to sign up (last minute) for the 'Run like the Wind' half marathon in San Ramon (which was on roads and also had rolling hills - perfect Big Sur training).
I woke up bright and early on March 30th (Sunday) - hey I got to sleep in on Saturday didn't I :-) - and drove the 40 or so miles to get to San Ramon (I know I know - driving 40 miles to run 13.1 - must be insane (I'm sure we runners get this all the time!)). It was pretty chilly so decided to stay in the car for a bit. Soon it was time for the start - I was actually pleasantly surprised by the turnout - for a small city event, there sure were a lof of people!
There were 2 other runners (Satyan and Venkaiah) from the ASHA gang and I met up with them at the start. I did not really have any goals for the race except to get a good run in.
We were off and running and much as I had planned to take it easy and not run too hard (and get injured), I guess being in a race gets the adrenaline going. I started off at a 9 min pace and kept that up for the most part (with 8:20 or so being the fastest). The hill training at Rancho really kicked in and I did not slow down too much on the rolling hills (slowest was a 9:40 mile).
I was glad I was carrying a fuel belt though - the race, though well organized with water stops, did not have any Gatorade :-)
I reached the last few miles and was close to or under my PR pace - again, pre-race plans to take it easy somehow flew out the window! I began pushing it (especially the last mile) and finished in 1:55:43 - a new PR :-)
Stayed on at the end to watch some of the award presentations and was amazed by some of the times (1:30 or under in the 60 year age group :-) - I would be happy just to be running when I am 60)).
All in all, a good experience (barring a sore ITB on the left side - nothing some RICE won't fix :-)).
Anyhoo, I am happy to report that I have been keeping up as best I can with the Big Sur training schedule (laid out by uber-mentor and motivator Chakri). Given that I live right next to Rancho San Antonio Park (and the double-bonus of it having a lot of hilly terrain), I have been running pretty much exclusively there for the past couple of months (weekdays, long runs etc.). Thanks to Coaches Martina and Raman, I now have an intimate knowledge of Black Mountain, Upper Wildcat, and several other trails at Rancho (including a totally undiscovered one which was the result of Coach Martina wanting to help us get a few more miles in while waiting for some runners to catch up).
So, given that Big Sur marathon is run on asphalt, I figured I needed to get some runs in on that turf. I decided to sign up (last minute) for the 'Run like the Wind' half marathon in San Ramon (which was on roads and also had rolling hills - perfect Big Sur training).
I woke up bright and early on March 30th (Sunday) - hey I got to sleep in on Saturday didn't I :-) - and drove the 40 or so miles to get to San Ramon (I know I know - driving 40 miles to run 13.1 - must be insane (I'm sure we runners get this all the time!)). It was pretty chilly so decided to stay in the car for a bit. Soon it was time for the start - I was actually pleasantly surprised by the turnout - for a small city event, there sure were a lof of people!
There were 2 other runners (Satyan and Venkaiah) from the ASHA gang and I met up with them at the start. I did not really have any goals for the race except to get a good run in.
We were off and running and much as I had planned to take it easy and not run too hard (and get injured), I guess being in a race gets the adrenaline going. I started off at a 9 min pace and kept that up for the most part (with 8:20 or so being the fastest). The hill training at Rancho really kicked in and I did not slow down too much on the rolling hills (slowest was a 9:40 mile).
I was glad I was carrying a fuel belt though - the race, though well organized with water stops, did not have any Gatorade :-)
I reached the last few miles and was close to or under my PR pace - again, pre-race plans to take it easy somehow flew out the window! I began pushing it (especially the last mile) and finished in 1:55:43 - a new PR :-)
Stayed on at the end to watch some of the award presentations and was amazed by some of the times (1:30 or under in the 60 year age group :-) - I would be happy just to be running when I am 60)).
All in all, a good experience (barring a sore ITB on the left side - nothing some RICE won't fix :-)).
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